Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number:
How did you hear about Stonebrae Country Club?
Is the person who referred you a friend or relative?
Desired Position:
What date are you available to start?
Are you legally eligible to work in the United States?
Are you over the age of 18?
If under the age of 18, can you supply a work permit?
Major/Area(s) of Study:
Degree Received:
Start and End Date:
Employer #1:
Include Company, Job Title, Address, Phone Number, Time Period
Employer #2:
Include Company, Job Title, Address, Phone Number, Time Period
Employer #3:
Include Company, Job Title, Address, Phone Number, Time Period
Reference #1:
Include Name, Occupation, Phone Number, and Years Known
Reference #2:
Include Name, Occupation, Phone Number, and Years Known
Reference #3:
Include Name, Occupation, Phone Number, and Years Known
I certify that the facts provided in the above employment application are true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and authorize Stonebrae Country Club to verify their accuracy and to obtain reference information on my work performance. I release Stonebrae Country Club from any/all liability that might result from making an investigation. I understand, that if employed, falsified statements, misrepresentations of any kind or omissions of facts on the application for employment (or any other accompanying or required documents) will be cause for disqualification of employment, or immediate termination or employment if hired, regardless of when or how discovered. I understand that should an employment offer be extended to me and accepted, I must pass a pre-employment drug screen and background check. In addition, I will fully comply with the policies, rules and regulations of Stonebrae Country Club. I further understand that any employment offered is at will, and that I or Stonebrae Country Club may terminate my employment at any time with or without cause or notice.